декатроны как винтажный индикатор

крутилка просто на декатроне

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K8A Dekatron Spinner
last update (and finished): November-25-2007

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What is a Dekatron spinner?
A Dekatron spinner displays a spinning dot by using a vintage ‘Dekatron’ style glow-transfer counting tube.
The colour of the dot depends to the gas the tube is filled.
Neon filled tubes display a red-orange dot.
Argon filled tubes display a purple dot.
The spinning frequency depends to the mains voltage the spinner is connected to and to the counting steps of the Dekatron.
If the spinner is connected 50Hz and the Dekatron is a 10-way counter (like the one here in this project) the dot spins with 5 turns per second.
If the spinner is connected to 60Hz the dot spins with 6 turns per second.

An animation of a Dekatron spinner:

You can find more information about Dekatrons here on my Dekatron page.

The main idea of this project was to develope a simple Dekatron spinner for all known Dekatrons with K8A base.
I took my B13B Deaktron spinner circuit and modified it to this purpose..

After my modifications I came to this circuit:

The circuit works with 230VAC/50-60Hz and 115VAC/50-60Hz.
All K8A Dekatrons I know will work in this circuit.
These are the following:

CV2271; Z303C; GC10B; GC10B/S; 6802; CK6802; 6909; CK6909; GC10B/L; CV6044; GC10/4B/L; CV6100; VX9194/4B; GC10/4B; CV1739; VX9194; M2465-401C; GC12/4B; GC10D; CV5143; 6482; Z302C; OG3(ОГ3); OG4(ОГ4); OG5(ОГ5); OG5-II-60(ОГ5-II-60); OG7(ОГ7); OG8(ОГ9); OG9(ОГ9); CT783.

Here you see the layout of the circuit:

Here you see the finished board (unequipped):

Here you see the spinner with different tubes:

Z303C (Adzam)

CV2271 (Mullard)

GC10B (Trigon)

GC10/4B (Hivac)

GC12/4B (ETL / Baird Atomic)

OG3 (ОГ3) (Reflector/Sovtec)

This pictures show the configuration of the board for the OG3 Dekatron as example:

220-230v ( у меня 12 вольт питание – mc34063 по схеме повышающего с трансформатором . Часы от батареи для ноутбука, в дачном доме свет включается вечером – подзаряжаются батареи. Декатронам надо 450 .. 490 вольт, лампы ин-14 зажигаются от 180, все неонки через резистор у ламп 33 килоома, у декатрона 680 килоом.)

OG4 (ОГ4) (Reflector/Sovtec)

CT783 (Sylvania)

GC10D (Hivac)

This pictures show the configuration of the board for the GC10D and the CV5143 Dekatron as example:

CK6802 (Raytheon)


6909 (Sylvania)

DK23 (Rodin)

VX9194 CV6044 (ETL)

GC10/4B (ETL/Baird Atomic)

GC10/4B (Etelco)

The bottom side of the board:

The tube is mounted in pin receptacles, so it’s no problem to replace it:

The following pictures show the tube spinning.
Of course, only one of the cathodes is glowing, but the opening time of the camera leads to that different pictures:

a middle opening time of the camera:

a short opening time of the camera:

a long opening time of the camera:

by night, with  long opening time of the camera:

The wonderful purple glow of Argon filled tubes:
a long opening time of the camera:

a short opening time of the camera:

by night, with  long opening time of the camera:

An animation of a spinning dekatron:

You can download the connection-instructions here.

This circuit generates high voltage!!!

Attention!!!! This circuit generates high voltage!!! Do never touch the circuit while it is connected to the AC line. Before you use the circuit mount it in a closed housing! I am not liable for any damages caused to someone’s health.
Dekatron Spinners produce high voltages that can be fatal.
I disclaim any responsibility for injury as a result of using this circuit!! 
All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of this circuit are entirely the responsibility of the user. 

The author assum
es no liability for any incidental, consequential or other liability from the use of this information. All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user. Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material, the author assume no responsibility for omissions or errors. 

This Project is finished
Thanks for reading.

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OG-3 (ОГ-3)
Dekatron counting tube
(Version with Bakelite base)
Made by Анод, Дятьково, Россия (Anode, Dyatkovo, Russia)
Bi-directional single-pulse decimal counting tube.
Argon filled.

You’ll notice a dark coating of some sort, inside the glass envelope on the top on all the Russian Dekatrons, also on that OG-3 Dekatrons.
That coating is NOT a sign that the tube is used, but an intentional part of the manufacturing process.

The following pictures show the tube spinning.
Of course, only one of the cathodes is glowing, but the shutter speed of the camera generates different pictures:

a high shutter speed of the camera:

a medium shutter speed of the camera:

a low shutter speed of the camera:

An animation sample of a spinning Dekatron (neon filled, colour not like the OG3!):

Röhrendaten/Tube Data:

RöhrentypTube type O-G3 (ОГ-3)
HerstellerBrand Анод, Дятьково, Россия (Anode, Dyatkovo, Russia)
Zähl-RichtungCounting direction bidirectional
ArbeitsweiseOperation single pulse
ArtSort counting tube
SockelBase K8A
FassungSocket K8A
NullpositionZero position Pin 1
Zähl-SchritteCounting steps 10
Anzahl der HilfskathodenNumber of guides 3
GasfüllungGas filling Argon
Röhrendurchmesser maximalTube diameter max.mm33
Röhrenhöhe maximalTube height max.mm76
max. Zähl-GeschwindigkeitMax. counting speedkHz20
Betriebsspannung minimalSupply volt. min.V420
Betriebsspannung typischSupply volt. typ.V450
Brennspannung minimalMaintaining voltage min.V170
Brennspannung typischMaintaining voltage typ.V190
Brennspannung maximalMaintaining voltage max.V210
Anoden bzw. Kathodenstrom min.Anode/cath. current min.µA600
Anoden bzw. Kathodenstrom typ.Anode/cath. current typ.µA700
Anoden bzw. Kathodenstrom max.Anode/cath. current max.µA800
Netzteil Leistung minimalPower supply power min.mW315
Hilfskathodenvorspannnung minimalGuide bias volt. min.V40
Hilfskathodenvorspannnung Impulsbetrieb typ.Guide bias typ pulse op.V40
Hilfskathodenvorspannnung maximalGuide bias volt. max.V50
HilfskathodenimpulsspannungGuide signal voltage pulseVp110-140 (125)
Hilfskathodenimpulsdauer minimalGuide signal pulse duration minµs17-22
Resetimpulsdauer min.Reset pulse duration min.µs2-5
PIN 01PIN 01 G3
PIN 02PIN 02 K1-9
PIN 03PIN 03 G2
PIN 05PIN 05 G1
PIN 06PIN 06 A
PIN 07PIN 07 Guide3 (K0)
PIN 08PIN 08 K0

Pinout, outline and typical application:

The OG-3 Dekatron Spinner by Dieter:
The following schematic shows how to use the tube for a Dekatron spinner.
If you don’t know what a Dekatron spinner is click here!
The circuit can be used at 100-125VAC/50-60 Hz or 210-240VAC/50-60Hz.


Sie finden passende Datenblätter im Datenblattarchiv.
Suchen sie dort nach dieser Type und deren Vergleichstypen.

You’ll find the matching datasheets in the datasheet archive.
Search for this type and its substitutes there.

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я по технике читаю на этом языке и который снизу страницы тоже, а так перевести не проблема – в translate.google.com например.

Savel brain dump

(originalios biokronikos, nė lašo copy-paste) English « Spalvoti LCD ekraniukaiNokia N80 remontas »


Turiu čia keletą tokių egzotiškų senu rusiškų lempučių A106. Tai didelio greičio dekatronas. Tokia dujų išlydžio lempa kuri skaičiuoja impulsus. Atitinkamai sujugus galina gauti tokį besisukantį taškelį. Deja rusiški dekatronai niekada nepasižymėjo dideliu stabilumu, todėl mano turimas dekatronas kartais sukasi, kartais prašoką kai kuriuos taškelius. Viskas dėl to, kad pajungimo schema supaprastinta.


Nuotraukoje dektronas švyti visas. Dėlto, kad foto aparato išlaikymas didelis, o taškelis apibėga 5 kartus aplink per vieną sekundę (prie 50Hz tinklo). Va čia mažytis filmukas kaip bėga tas taškelis. Beja, taškelio spalva tikrai kitokia. :)

O štai čia mano supaprastinta schema. Dėmesio, ant schemos elementų vaikšto aukštos įtampos. Todėl schema rekomenduojama tik patyrusiems konstruotojams. Pati schema nieko įpatingo- įtampos daugintuvas ir vienas fazės pasukėjas.


C1, C5- 250V, kiti kondikai 400V. R1 ir R2 skirti tik iškrauti kondikus kai prietaisas išjungiamas. Be jų, kondikai dar ilgai laiko įtampą ir duoda per nagus. Prie PAD1 ir PAD3 jungiam 230V, lemputė jungiasi: anodas prie PAD4, visi katodai sujungiami į vieną tašką ir jungiami prie PAD7, skaičiavimo elektrodas prie PAD6.

O šiaip, tai reklaminis straipsnis, nes noriu parduoti visus dekatronus per eBay.

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